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Maybe you're rolling your eyes or laughing at me. A Crusade? How outrageous

You weren't there with me in 2011 when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my son, homeless, and alone.  I was terrified, I opened up my grooming salon 4 days before my son, Ronan, was born.

I worked 60-80 hours a week, we were so poor we lived illegally at the salon for the first 6 months.  I groomed any pet willing to walk in that door because we had bills to pay.

I realize now I gave up the first 4 years of my son's life, I tried to balance being a business owner, being a mom, guilt and shame.  It was a losing battle.

I had a freight train hit me when I realized my son was growing up and I had missed most of those precious moments, not on purpose but out of necessity.  I had been trying desperately to keep us afloat and now we were actually doing really well, but emotionally I had not lifted myself from that panicked "survival" mode.  I was still terrified that in one moment it could all be snatched away.

I started to make a financial plan based on to get us to the point where I could make my son my priority.  I sat down and wrote goals for myself, my family and my business.  I bought a home and have a different business that matches my priorities. My life continues to evolve as my lifestyle priorities and dreams evolve. 

I’m on a crusade to help groomers make wise and Savvy choices in their lives. The whole point of budgeting and making calculated sacrifices is to have a plan for the future. “Grooming till we die” is not a choice, it's being slave to a profession that you should love. My pain is very personal, it’s embarrassing and humbling. My crusade is to allow Savvy Groomers live a life they earn and ultimately deserve.

Too many groomers are burnt out and broke. 

At Savvy Groomer we teach pet professionals how to make a simple financial plan so they have money in the bank at the end of the day.


Guest Appearances:

Financial Freedom
Unleashed Podcast
Danelle Drops In
National Cat Grooming Institute (Interviewed)

Articles & Publications:

Piece of the Pie
Perfect Pointers Magazine / NCGI Blog

13 Secrets of Pet Groomers
Mental Floss (interviewed)

Time For a Change
Perfect Pointers Magazine

Too Many Titles to List
Savvy Groomer Blog


Education, Recent Conferences & Trainings

Certified Feline Master Groomer
National Cat Groomers Institute

CFMG Beach Retreat '17 & '19
Myrtle Beach, SC
National Cat Groomers Institute

Unleash the Power Within
New York
Tony Robbins

Entrepreneur Experience
San Diego, California
Amy Porterfield

Business Boutique '18 & '19
Nashville, Tennesse
Ramsey Solutions